#Traducción - #portugués al #inglés #traduçao - Rio violence hits nightlife
Manchete: Cariocas abandonam vida noturna por causa da violência no Rio
Headline: Rio citizens abandon nightlife because of violence
Because of insecurity, locals increasingly prefer to spend nights at home, abandoning the nightlife in the traditionally festive city.

"Customers don't come anymore, they're afraid, " says Paulo Sérgio, who in less than a year has suffered a dozen burglaries in his small bar in Santa Teresa, the Bohemian neighbor in Rio's central district which becomes a ghost town at night.
But Santa Teresa is not the exception. Because of insecurity, locals increasingly prefer to spend nights at home, abandoning the nightlife in the traditionally festive city.
And there is no sign the recent deployment of 8,500 military troops to stem the tide of violence will quickly improve the situation in the state on the verge of bankruptcy and faced with the scourge of gang warfare.
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