#Traducción - #portugués al #inglés #traduçao - Take a hike in #Portugal
Manchete: Acerte o passo. 10 caminhadas para fazer em Portugal Headline:Get in step. 10 hikes to do in Portugal Read the Portuguese to English translation of a portion of this article on my translation website - atranslationace.com. Portugal offers bountiful tourist options. This article shares some of the most cherished walks to explore the country's countryside.
Portuguese to English Translations
*** Get your translations from Portuguese to English! Contact Professor Winn now with your document(s) - mrenglish101@gmail.com. Connect with him on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Spanish #Translation to English - Cancun is also Mexico - TEDx Talk
The shorter TEDx confabs are local events to spread worthwhile ideas, the main idea of TED. Are you interested to learn about the history of Cancun, Mexico, told in a lively story format? I translated the Spanish transcription of the TEDx talk "Canucn is Mexico, too" to English. Read the full English translation today on my translation site - atranslationace.com - and learn more about one of Mexico's tourist meccas.
*** Get your Spanish to English translations! Si necesita una traducción profesional, no dude en consultarme y pedir una cotización - Contact Professor Winn now - mrenglish101@gmail.com. Connect with him on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
#Traducción - #portugués al #inglés #traduçao - Rio violence hits nightlife
Manchete:Cariocas abandonam vida noturna por causa da violência no Rio Headline:Rio citizens abandon nightlife because of violence Because of insecurity, locals increasingly prefer to spend nights at home, abandoning the nightlife in the traditionally festive city. "Customers don't come anymore, they're afraid, " says Paulo Sérgio, who in less than a year has suffered a dozen burglaries in his small bar in Santa Teresa, the Bohemian neighbor in Rio's central district which becomes a ghost town at night. But Santa Teresa is not the exception. Because of insecurity, locals increasingly prefer to spend nights at home, abandoning the nightlife in the traditionally festive city. And there is no sign the recent deployment of 8,500 military troops to stem the tide of violence will quickly improve the situation in the state on the verge of bankruptcy and faced with the scourge of gang warfare.
Portuguese to English Translations
*** Get prompt and precise translations from Portuguese to English! Contact Professor Winn now - mrenglish101@gmail.com. Connect with him on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Español - Inglés #Traducción #Medellín - Spain Tourism Boom
[see previous Spanish to English translation - Fitch grades Colombian banks] Título:El gasto que hicieron los turistas extranjeros en España en el primer semestre crece un 14,8% Headline:Spending by foreign tourists in Spain in the first half grows 14.8%
Foreign tourists who visited Spain between January and June spent a record 37.217 billion euros, 14.8% more than in the first half of last year, according to the survey of tourist expenditures Egatur published on Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics. Britons spent the most money in June, some 8,982 million euros, 14.9% more than the year-on-year rate, rising 61 consecutive months. *** Get your Spanish to English translations! Si necesita una traducción profesional, no dude en consultarme y pedir una cotización - Contact Professor Winn now - mrenglish101@gmail.com. Connect with him on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Español - Inglés #Traducción #Medellín - Fitch grades Colombian Banks
[see previous Spanish to English translation - Venezuela's external debt] Título:Fitch: bancos colombianos se mantienen pese al debilitamiento económico Headline:Fitch: Colombian banks stable despite weakening economy
The rating agency noted that the metrics of the major banks of the country remained within the expected range for the current ratings, despite pressure from the weakening national economy. Fitch Ratings warned that Colombian banks face a weak economy while resilient margins in an uncertain operating environment, adequate cost controls and geographic diversification supported the financial performance of Colombia's largest financial institutions. *** Get your Spanish to English translations! Si necesita una traducción profesional, no dude en consultarme y pedir una cotización - Contact Professor Winn now - mrenglish101@gmail.com. Connect with him on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
#Traducción - #portugués al #inglés #traduçao - Electric #Energy Reform
Manchete:Grandes elétricas se mobilizam para reduzir riscos em reforma do setor Headline:Electrical giants mobilize to reduce risks in industry reform
Giant electric companies have mobilized since the Government opened a public consultation on proposals to reform the rules of the electricity sector, in a move to assess measures, suggest improvements and mostly find consensus among several divergent interests before the National Congress takes up the issue. The Government wants to make changes in a provisional measure in September. There is fear among investors about possible congressional changes in the text at a moment when the President Michel Temer seeks support to remain in office after being indicted for corruption by the Attorney General of the Republic.
Portuguese to English Translations
*** Get your translations from Portuguese to English! Contact Professor Winn now - mrenglish101@gmail.com. Connect with him on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Español - Inglés #Traducción #Medellín - Venezuela's External Debt
[see previous Spanish to English translation - Avianca flees Venezuela] Título:Qué son los acreedores 'holdout' y por qué los economistas los señalan como un serio peligro para Venezuela Headline:What are 'holdout' creditors and why do economists see them as a serious threat to Venezuela
The world carefully watches what is happening on the streets of Venezuela, where more than 120 people have died in the last four months in the wave of protests against the government of Nicolas Maduro. Among economists, on the other hand, another aspect of this crisis captures attention: external debt. Fears that Caracas will stop paying it have circulated for at least three years. However, the possibility that Venezuela defaults had never loomed as large as now, said experts consulted by BBC World. *** Get your Spanish to English translations! Contact Professor Winn now - mrenglish101@gmail.com. Connect with him on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, and LinkedIn.