Portuguese #Translation - #Amazon and mining

The Amazon River basin is a precious natural wonder.

Any infringement of its fragile environment naturally draws attention.
Every week read a new Portuguese to English translation from either Brazil or Portugal.
Portuguese-English-Translation Amazon Decree
Amazon Decree on Renca
The article today concerns the Amazon and a decree about mining activities there.
Need your Portuguese documents in English? Hire Professor Winn!
Now read the Portuguese to English translation below for more information about the saving the Amazon from mining.

*** Get your Portuguese to English translations! 

If you need Spanish or Portuguese to English translations today, send your project details and documents to Professor Winn at the email address: winn[at]atranslationace.com.
Si necesita una traducción profesional, no dude en consultarme y pedir una cotización  - Contact Professor Winn now - winn[at]atranslationace.com

Connect with him on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

#traducción español - Avianca vs pilots

Get a Spanish to English translation in an area of my expertise every week. 

Spanish to English Translation - Avianca pilotsFor your own Spanish to English translations, send the details of your project and document(s) to Professor Winn at: winn[at]atranslationace.com.

The focus this week is tourism, in particular, Avianca versus its pilots.
Below is an introduction to the full article on my website, atranslationace.com.

TítuloAvianca deja en tierra el 46% de sus aviones por huelga de pilotos

Headline: Pilot strike forces Avianca to ground 46% of its fleet

Avianca is Colombia’s major airline, but hit turbulence this week.

[Read the previous post – Atacama, between desert and stars].

Read the full post now.

*** Get your Spanish to English translations! 

If you need Spanish or Portuguese to English translations today, send your project details and documents to Professor Winn at the email address: winn[at]atranslationace.com.

Si necesita una traducción profesional, no dude en consultarme y pedir una cotización  - Contact Professor Winn now - winn[at]atranslationace.com

Connect with him on TwitterGoogle+Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Will Machine Translators (MT) replace human #translators

Will Machine Translators (MT) replace human translators anytime soon?
Read the entire thought-provoking article for the need of human translation on atranslationace.com
Careers of human translators are not endangered yet by machine translation (MT).
Human Translators vs. MachineBlog
Human Translator vs. Machine
However, the latest report by Grand View Research indicates that the MT market will expand to USD 983.3 million by 2022.
Companies and consumers may be tempted to trust their translation project to a still experimental uncaring and unfeeling computer.
Continue to read the entire article.

*** Get your Spanish to English translations! 

If you need Spanish or Portuguese to English translations today, send your project details and documents to Professor Winn at the email address: winn[at]atranslationace.com.

Si necesita una traducción profesional, no dude en consultarme y pedir una cotización  - Contact Professor Winn now - winn[at]atranslationace.com

Connect with him on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, and LinkedIn.