
Translation and Interpretation in Medellín

Get your documents translated from Spanish, Portuguese and French to English now!

In the global economy, precise translations in English are best in the hands of an experienced native English translator and Spanish <> English interpreter.

Spanish <> English Interpretation
Do you need an interpreter for your clients?

Let Professor Winn assist you!

Don't miss a business deal because of a failure to communicate in a culturally-sensitive and appropriate manner.

Translations from Spanish, French, and Portuguese to English
Get your documents translated from Spanish, French, and Portuguese to English.

Professor Winn specializes in translations of your business, tourism, legal, medical, and personal documents.

If you have birth certificates, academic transcripts, CVs, and other personal documents, Professor Winn can help you.

Is your website in English? No? You might be losing business.

Have you had your real estate listings translated from Spanish to English? What are you waiting for?

Medellín lives an interesting time for English-speaking retirees seeking real estate deals!

Hire Professor Winn today to translate your documents!

Contact Professor Winn now - Call 300-842-6578 or mrenglish101(at) - for translations today.

Translation Verification
Another service mostly unknown to translation clients is translation verification.

Are you sure your document translated into English is correct?

Have Professor Winn right here in Medellín verify the translation by comparing the Spanish, French, and Portuguese original with the English translation.

Don’t risk an error in translation because the translator's error becomes your error!

Research in Spanish, French, and Portuguese Internet World
Have Professor Winn do web research for you or your company in the Spanish, French, and Portuguese Internet space and get a crisply written English analytical report of his findings.

Any investor or market analyst interested in the global market needs the information now to make the best decision for his company.

Hire Professor Winn to mine the information you need and delivered in English when you need the best data available on the Web.

*** Improve your English today! Contact Professor Winn now - Call 300-842-6578 or mrenglish101(at) - for translations today.
Connect with him on Twitter, Google+, Stumbleupon, Facebook, and LinkedIn.